Storia digitale, text-mining, open access per le monografie e blogging accademico: questo e altro in una tre giorni organizzata dall’IUE di Fiesole
L’Istituto Universitario Europeo di Fiesole organizza tre giornate di studio su metodi e prospettive per la storia digitale il 21 ottobre, 4 novembre e 9 novembre 2016. Gli incontri, organizzati dal dipartimento di storia e dalla biblioteca dell’IUE, dagli Archivi storici dell’Unione europea e con il concorso di OpenEdition e dell’Università del Lussemburgo, permetteranno di discutere di Digital Public History, delle fonti digitali, di text mining, dei nuovi strumenti per la ricerca collaborativa, dei progetti europei per le monografie in open access, di blogging accademico.
Il programma completo:
Digital History: Methods and Perspectives (21 October, 4 and 9 November 2016)
A Block-Seminar of the Department of History and Civilization organized together with the EUI Library and the Historical Archives of the European Union
Conveners: Prof. Alexander Etkind and Dr. Serge Noiret
Day 1 – October 21, 2016
Sala del Camino, Villa Salviati
11.00-13.00 Introduction to the Block-Seminar
by Prof. Alexander Etkind and Dr. Serge Noiret
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 What is Digital Public History? Teaching and Pratices
Speaker: Enrica Salvatori (Università degli Studi di Pisa)
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-18.30 Mapping History with ArcGis, an introduction
Speaker: Mikkel Jensen Munthe (
18.30-18.45 – Closing remarks
Day 2 – November 4, 2016
Alcide de Gasperi Reading Room HAEU, Villa Salviati
9.00-10.30 Text Mining and distant/close reading in literature and sources
Exemple of EEBO-ECCO-MOMW, the Early Modern History Text Databases
Introduction by Rolando Minuti (University of Florence)
The new Gale Portal Artemis by Maria Romano (Southern Europe Regional Manager, Gale | Cengage Learning)
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.00 Google Ngrams in Historical Research
Speaker: Alexander Etkind (EUI)
12.00-13.00 Using Voyant Tools for Digging “Into your Text”
Speaker: Giorgio Guzzetta (University of Rome)
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 PressForward and other digital tools for collaborative and large-scale historical research
Speaker: Sean Takats (Institut d’études avancées de Paris; Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University)
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-17.00 Using Histograph and facial recognition in historical sources for the history of Europe
Speaker: Daniele Guido (Institut d’histoire du temps présent & Digital History Lab, University of Luxembourg)
17.00-18- 00 Graphs and Network Visualization: Examples and Tools
Speaker: Martin Grandjean (Université de Lausanne)
Day 3 – November 9, 2016 – Open Access & Academic Blogging
Badia Fiesolana, Theater, Joint Venture with the EUI Library
9.00-10.30 ICARUS: Interoperable eCosystem of historicAl souRces for eUropean history
Speaker: Emiliano Degl’Innocenti, Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL)
10-30- 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-13.00 What is Open Access? What are the European projects dealing with humanities e-books
Speaker: Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition/EHESS) and discussants from OpenEdition Italia Scientific Board
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Academic Blogging on the Hypotheses Platform: The Starter Kit (start, configure, customize, publish content) – Part 1
Speaker: Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition/EHESS)
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
14.00-15.30 Academic Blogging on the Hypotheses Platform: The Starter Kit (start, configure, customize, publish content) – Part 2
Speaker: Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition/EHESS)